Updated: 19 November 2003.

Town of Boston
Erie County, New York

St. John's RC Church Cemetery
Mill St./Pfarner Road.

St. John's Church is a short distance away on Boston Cross Road.

This information is from tombstone readings taken summer of 2002 by
Tara Lowry Pfarner (Tbella9@aol.com ), along with some notes added from my research.
I am researching the Pfarner, Faulring, Rucker, and Gasper families,
among others, if you would like to exchange information.

Special thanks to Tara Lowry Pfarner for her time and effort in gathering the readings for this cemetery.

[Page 2]

The "Old Section", near the Back Creek Road (west) end of the cemetery,
between the driveway and the fence:
Large LUX monument, under which lies Nicholas LUX and Josephine LUX
Josephine LUX 1885-1894
William LUX 1874
John LUX 1848-1901
Josephine T. FRIEDMAN HUBBARD 1912-1998
Sylvester L. HUBBARD 1915-1997
WEBER, Peter gest den 14 Mai 1888 (rest of stone cracked and unreadable)
WEBER, Maria geb 2 Feb. 1808 gest 17 Apr 1892 "RIP" (stone is cracked and unreadable,
there is a somewhat visible German inscription including "in Gott")
FEDERSPIEL family monument - has a large sculpture of St. John on top of it - behind it are stones to MOTHER 1836-1908 and FATHER 1825-1918
FOLLMAN, Adaline (stone cracked and much of it missing, "1885" and what looks like "10 months and 17 days" is readable, as well as the name John,
perhaps to indicate daughter of or wife of) - next to this is a new stone for Adaline Follman 1843-1885
FOLLMAN, John "died 28 March 1897, aged 59 years, 7 months, and 28 days" (an old stone, like the first one for Adaline Follman, only his has weathered better)
FOLLMAN, Rebecca A. "1852-1926 MOTHER"
DEMMERLE, Frank "Born 3 Aug. 1867, Died 17 Jan. 1886"
DEMMERLAY, John E. "Born March 15, 1888, Died 22 Aug. 1889, son of Charles and ??? Demmerlay" (inscription and verse unreadable)
DEMMERLEY, ?Millard? "Born 7 Nov. 1893, died 14 Sept. 1984, son of ??? and Elizabeth Demmerley" (name looks like Millard, but it is badly worn)
DEMMERLEY, Haubert H. Charles "Born 7 Dec. 1894, died 11 March 1895, son of Charles and Caroline Demmerley" (name looks to be Haubert H.,
then Char with a small "s" floating after the "r" - an abbreviation for Charles?)
DEMMERLEY, Augusta "Born 15 June 1885, died 12 May 1895, aged 9 years, daughter of Martin and ?Elizabeth? Demmerley"
MERTZ, John "died 13 April 1871, aged 4 years 7 months, and 13 days, son of John and Barbara Mertz
MERTZ, William "1873-1902"
MERTZ, ? "died 3 May 1880" (rest unreadable)
MERTZ, John A. "Father 1831-1899" (at the fence, covered by brush)
ZAHM, John "died 28 Aug. ?1888?, aged 68 years, 6 months, and ?days"
NABER family monument (next to tree)
NABER, Joseph "?May 1891?, son of ?Vincent and Susan? Naber"
NABER, Susan "23 Feb. 1843 - 3 Feb. 1882"
NABER, Father "5 Apr. 1833 - 19 Dec. 1916"
NABER, William "11 June 1872 - 20 Dec. 1895"
NABER, Vincent "21 Oct. 1869 - 22 Jan. 1897"
NABER, Magdalen "5 May 1868 - 1 Oct. 1922"
NABER, Mary "1862-1946"
WURTZ, Lena "1867-1926"
WURTZ, Frank "1863-1916"
WURTZ, Bernard "1894-1896"
WURTZ, Louis J. "1866-1946"
WURTZ, Colette "1901-1903"
WURTZ, Anna "1900 Aug. 19-25"
WURTZ, John "Father" (dates sunken)
WURTZ, Frances "Mother 1833-1901"
WURTZ, Emma M. "1879-1922"
WURTZ, Anna M. "1867-1918"
MARZOLF, Emelia "1827-1907"
DEMMERLY family monument
DEMMERLY, Lawrence L. "1896-1922 CWS"
DEMMERLY, Julia "1897-1907 Our Darling"
DEMMERLY, Caroline "1864-1922"
DEMMERLY, Charles A. "1857-1904" (these four Demmerlys are directly in front of the LAMM family monument;
the two LAMM's below are directly behind the monument)
LAMM, Godfrey "1846-1916"
LAMM, Magdalen "1848-1912, wife of Godfrey Lamm"
LARUSCH family monument
LARUSCH, Emma "1876-1961"
LARUSCH, George "1884-1965"
LARUSCH, Eleanora "1895-1968"
LARUSCH, Antionette "1892-1972" (the above Larusch's are in front of the family monument; the Larusch's that follow are behind it)
LARUSCH, John "1880-1916"
LARUSCH, Edward "1881-1931"
LARUSCH, Mother "1850-1931"
LARUSCH, Father "1847-1917"
WEBER, Augusta "1876-1938"
RIZALDA, Robert "1874-1931"
RIZALDA, Hannah "1876-1931"
REYNOLDS, Mary Alice "1890-1958"
REYNOLDS, Orlin Raymond "1892-(blank)" (one stone for Mary and Orlin)
REYNOLDS, Alice M. "1915-1915, daughter of Orlin and Mary Reynolds"
REYNOLDS, Raymond T. "1918-1919, son of Orlin and Mary Reynolds"
REYNOLDS, Francis E. "1919-1919, son of Orlin and Mary Reynolds"
HAAS, Ciphor "1842-1911"
BREDL, Margaret "1869-1948"
BREDL, Otto "1866-1935" (one stone for Margaret and Otto)
BURKE, Anna Bredl "1897-1932"
BREDL, Fredie (sic) "born 10 Jan. 1899?, died 22 Jan. 1900?" (stone worn and difficult to read)
BREDL, Monica (no dates)
LANGFORD, Catherine "1851-1942"
LANGFORD, James "1843-1923"
MOULIN, Mary E. "1875-1971"
MOULIN, Frank C. "1877-1958
GOEPFERT, Jacob J. "1810-1897"
(The following stones are near the northeast corner of the cemetery)
RUCKER family monument
RUCKER, Edward A. "1904-1911"
RUCKER, Raymond G. "1910-1911"
RUCKER, Catherine "1875-1911"
LUX, Loretta "1913-1997"
LUX, John N. "1908-1971" (one stone for Loretta and John)
LUX, Catherine "1875-1955"
LUX, John W. "1872-1951"
LUX, Lawrence "1907-1932"
LUX, Baby Cathy (no dates) (one stone for Catherine, John, Lawrence, and Baby Cathy)
BOWMAN, Joseph, 1865-1925
One unreadable stone, alone in the corner - very old and small
(The following stones are in the middle of the "old section")
FRIEDMAN, Johanna "1902-1916"
FRIEDMAN, Susan LUX "1882-1916"
GASPER, Anna M. "1875-1961" (wife of John M.)
GASPER, Bernard L. "1902-1965" (son of Anna M. and John M.; husband of Florence M.)
GASPER, Florence M. "1903-(blank) (wife of Bernard L.)
GASPER, Gertrude "died 27 March? 1900, aged 3 years" (daughter of Anna M. and John M.)
GASPER, John A. "1907-1919" (son of Anna M. and John M.)
GASPER, John M. "1865-1945" (husband of Anna M.; son of Johann and Susana Zeion Gasper)
GASPER, Martha "died 4? Feb. 1903, aged 23 days" (daughter of Anna M. and John M.) (one stone for Martha and her sister Gertrude)
RUCKER, Barbara "1841-1887 Wife of Jacob"
RUCKER, Jacob "1821-1894" (husband of Barbara)
RUCKER, Johanna "1861-1947" (wife of John Rucker; daughter of Johann and Susana ZEION GASPER)
RUCKER, John "1904-1953" (son of John and Johanna Gasper Rucker)
RUCKER, John "1861-1938" (husband of Johanna Gasper Rucker)
RUCKER, Rosa "1894-1900" (daughter of John and Johanna Gasper Rucker)
RUCKER, Simon "1890-1893" (son of John and Johanna Gasper Rucker)
RUCKER, Benedict "1876-1876"
NABER, Susan "23 Feb. 1843 - 3 Feb. 1882"
NABER, Father "5 Apr. 1833 - 19 Dec. 1916"
NABER, William "11 June 1872 - 20 Dec. 1895"
NABER, Vincent "21 Oct. 1869 - 22 Jan. 1897"
NABER, Magdalen "5 May 1868 - 1 Oct. 1922"
NABER, Mary "1862-1946"
WURTZ, Lena "1867-1926"
WURTZ, Frank "1863-1916"
WURTZ, Bernard "1894-1896"
WURTZ, Louis J. "1866-1946"
WURTZ, Colette "1901-1903"
WURTZ, Anna "1900 Aug. 19-25"
WURTZ, John "Father" (dates sunken)
WURTZ, Frances "Mother 1833-1901"
WURTZ, Emma M. "1879-1922"
WURTZ, Anna M. "1867-1918"
WURTZ, Emelia "1827-1907"
DEMMERLY family monument
DEMMERLY, Lawrence L. "1896-1922, CWS"
DEMMERLY, Julia "1897-1907 Our Darling"
DEMMERLY, Caroline "1864-1922"
DEMMERLY, Charles A. "1857-1904" (these four Demmerlys are directly in front of the LAMM family monument;
the two LAMM's below are directly behind the monument)
LAMM, Godfrey "1846-1916"
LAMM, Magdalen "1848-1912, wife of Godfrey Lamm"
LARUSCH family monument
LARUSCH, Emma "1876-1961"
LARUSCH, George "1884-1965"
LARUSCH, Eleanora "1895-1968"
LARUSCH, Antionette "1892-1972" (the above Larusch's are in front of the family monument; the Larusch's that follow are behind it)
LARUSCH, John "1880-1916"
LARUSCH, Edward "1881-1931"
LARUSCH, Mother "1850-1931"
LARUSCH, Father "1847-1917"
WEBER, Augusta "1876-1938"
RIZALDA, Robert "1874-1931"
RIZALDA, Hannah "1876-1931"
REYNOLDS, Mary Alice "1890-1958"
REYNOLDS, Orlin Raymond "1892-(blank)" (one stone for Mary and Orlin)
REYNOLDS, Alice M. "1915-1915, daughter of Orlin and Mary Reynolds"
REYNOLDS, Raymond T. "1918-1919, son of Orlin and Mary Reynolds"
REYNOLDS, Francis E. "1919-1919, son of Orlin and Mary Reynolds"
HAAS, Ciphor "1842-1911"
BREDL, Margaret "1869-1948"
BREDL, Otto "1866-1935" (one stone for Margaret and Otto)
BURKE, Anna Bredl "1897-1932"
BREDL, Fredie (sic) "born 10 Jan. 1899?, died 22 Jan. 1900?" (stone worn and difficult to read)
BREDL, Monica (no dates)
LANGFORD, Catherine "1851-1942"
LANGFORD, James "1843-1923"
MOULIN, Mary E. "1875-1971"
MOULIN, Frank C. "1877-1958
GOEPFERT, Jacob J. "1810-1897"
(The following is the side section of the cemetery,
between the driveway/access path and the fence on the north side of the cemetery.)
KADER, August "1852-1939 Father"
KADER, Elizabeth "1866-1932 Mother"
KADER, Regins "1894-1909 Daughter" (one stone for August, Elizabeth, and Regina)
KRENCIK, Albert "April 8-9, 1974 Son)
PIETRZAK, Stephen "1969"
DUSCHEN, Maureen "1960"
RUCHALSKI, Mary Beth "July 19, 1969 Daughter"
GLENDENNING, Jill "1969"
GLENDENNING, Scott "1963" (one stone for Tim, Jill, and Scott)
JOSEPH, (may be more to the stone - the top half is gone)
RACKEL, William J. "1959"
HEITMAN, Daniel "1958-1959"
DZIAK, Jonathan "1959-1959"
LATOSINSKI, Paul "1974"
CERANSKI, Frank "1865-1907 Father"
KAIDASZ, Waclaw "Tu Spocz SP ur d. 31 Sierp 1900 R. Um. d. 23 Lut. 1907 R. najdrosry syn Marcin & Rozalia KAIDASZ Son"
STRENK, Jan "Tu spocz SP UR d. 14 Grud. 1852 R Um d. 10 Murca 1907 R. Brosi O Zdrowus Marya"
(on the back of the stone for Walclaw KAIDASZ )
FULLER, WIlliam M. "1859-1908"
FULLER, Catherine "1871-1958" (one stone for William and Catherine - stone is against the fence)
NAGY, Ronald L. "1936-1988 PVT US Army"
NAGY, Ronald L. "1936-1988 Dad" (additional stone to one above)
EMERLING, Charles "1826-1919" (Stone says EMMERLING at bottom - against fence, nearly covered in brush)
EMMERLING, Maria Magdalena "Geb 20 Jan. 1829, Gest 19 Sept. 1894 Heir Ruhet" (on the left side of the Charles Emerling stone)
ZWACK, Richard M. "1915-1987 Veteran" (on back of stone: Richard M. Zwack, 1 Aug. 1915-1 Aug. 1987, US Army World War II"
ZWACK, Caroline R. "1917-1987" (one stone for Richard and Caroline)
WURTZ, Albert F. "1901-1993 US Army World War II"
OLSZEWSKI, (monument sunken, may be more information on it)
OLSZEWSKI, John "1888-1908" (behind Olszewski monument, same type of stone)
KOWALSKI, Francizek "Tu ?spoczywa? S.P. Ur sie 22 Mai 1838 Um 4 ?Wrzo? 1906" (inscription worn)
OLEJNICZAK, Andrzej "Um 16 Maja R. 1906 Liczac La t 62 Father" (inscription worn)
OLSZEWSKI, Vincent "1898-1906"
OLSZEWSKI, Felix "1904-1906" (there is the base to a monument between the previous two stones, the top to it is missing)
MAY, Lawrence "1883-1905 son of Jacob and Mary May" (stone is broken, but it looks like all of the information is still there)
WURTZ, infants of L.J. and A.M. (no other names or dates)
CZYZ, Adrienne "June 19, 1993"
SUPLICKI, Lorence "1845-1924"
SUPLICKI, Michalina "1850-1918 his wife"
ZIELINSKI, Gertrude "1916-1919 daughter of Thomas and Frances Zielinski"
NIEMECZYK, Paul "1870-1923 Dear Father"
ULLENBERG, Joseph "1842-1921"
FASKIEWICZ, Stanislaw "UMA PL ..." (rest of stone is worn, looks to be hand-carved letters)
DYGULA, Jan "1851-1922"
DYGULA, Alfons "1895-1922 Brother"
WIERZBIC, Joseph "1884-1934"
WIERZBIC, Magdalena "1886-1964" (one stone for Joseph and Magdalena)
MAY, Clara "1890-1944"
LOCKER, Regina Ann "1890-1944 When you see only one set of footprints, it was then that I carried you"
KOPACZ, Anthony "1923-1928 Son"
DYGULA, Konstancya "1857-1928"
DYGULA, Leo "1888-1931 Dear Father My Jesus Mercy"
STROMECKI, Agnes "1908-1927 Daughter"
STROMECKI, Stanislaus "1902-1931 Son"
STROMECKI, John H. "7 Dec. 1868-28 March 1954 Father"
STROMECKI, Katherine B. "4 Dec. 1880-18 June 1995 Mother" (one stone for John and Katherine)
STROMECKI, John F. "1918-1998"
STROMECKI, Myrtle E. " 1918-2000" (one stone for John and Myrtle; it is a smaller, flat stone in front of John and Katherine)
FOX, George "1884-1945"
PFARNER, Marilyn Ann "1940-1940" (tiny flat metal marker)
STRENK, Josephine "1856-1938 Mother"
POPEK, Ojciec Michal "1870-1936"
POPEK, Matka Jozefa "1871-1959" (one stone for Ojciec and Matka)
WEBER, Jacob "1865-1934"
SPORS, Bernhard B. "1864-1941"
SPORS, Cecilia "1865-1938" (one stone for Bernhard and Cecilia)
SMOLINSKI, Michael "1882-1941"
SMOLINSKI, Agnes "1889-1965" (one stone for Michael and Agnes)
BROWN, Bertha E. "1895-1986" (small funeral home marker)
BANKO, Ann "1930-1930"
KLIMEK, Adam "1890-1954" (small funeral home marker)
EMERLING, Josephine "1865-1949"
WIERZBIC, Antionette "1891-1949 Mother"
SPORS, Martin J. "1874-1947"
GRAHAM, Albert "1859-1941 Father"
GRAHAM, Anna "1873-1945 Mother" (one stone for Albert and Anna)
PAC, Walter "1879-1942"
PAC, Catherine "1879-1954" (one stone for Walter and Catherine)
KATREIN, Evelyn L. "1900-1954 Mother"
ANDERSON, Timothy James "28 Oct. 1964 - 4 July 1988, He lives in the hearts of those he left behind PFC US Army"
(two markers, military marker in front of regular marker)
BORYCA, Michael "1891-1961"
GASPER, John William "1 Dec. 1940 Our Baby"
GREENE, Edgar G. "4 Feb. 1910-23 Oct. 1981"
GREENE, Robert E. "26 June 1946-19 July 1955" (one stone for Edgar and Robert)
KATREIN, James Frank "17 July 1931-3 April 1955 New York PFC Co. B 18 Infantry Regt"
SKROK, Michael "20 Sept. 1891 - 6 May 1963"
LANGO, John "1884-1956"
LANGO, Frances "1886-1974" (one stone for John and Frances)
BACHER, George "1901-1964"
BACHER, Anna "1900-1957" (one stone for George and Anna)
KOWALSKI, Martin "1930-1993 US Army Korea"
WROBLEWSKI, Angelina A. "1908-1958" (double stone, other half blank)
PIWOWARCZYK, Angeline "1894-1955 Mother"
PIWOWARCZYK, Paul "1881-1957 Father" (one stone for Angeline and Paul)
PIWOWARCZYK, Walter F. Sr. "1918-1985" (in front of Angeline and Paul)
POPEK, Stanley R. "19 Oct. 1910-11 Feb. 1963 New York Sgt. HQ & HQ Co. XXIV Corps World War II"
PIJANOWSKI, Leon "1892-1959 husband"
PIJANOWSKI, Martha "1902-1990 wife" (one stone for Leon and Martha)"
SMOLINSKI, John "1877-1963"
SMOLINSKI, Caroline "1873-1958" (one stone for John and Caroline)
DOMIN, John "1881-1966"
DOMIN, Kataryna "1889-1963" (one stone for John and Kataryna)
ROBERTS, Frank E. "1894-1969 Father"
ROBERTS, Helen M. "1906-1963 Mother" (one stone for Frank and Helen)
MAZUR, Andrew A. "1913-1964" (Veteran)
POHLE, Ann J. "1921-1975"
POHLE, Edwin J. "24 Aug. 1918 - 13 April 1970 New York CPL 323 Bomb GP AAF World War II"
McGINTY, Dawn Rae "1969-1971 Angel Unaware"
KOWALSKI, Catherine "1890-1966"
BORGER, Frank "1900-1968"
BORGER, Anna "1906-1966" (one stone for Frank and Anna)
PUFPAFF, Mary Jane "1923-1965"
PUFPAFF, Myron G. "26 May 1923-24 May 1997 PFC US Army World War II"
PUFPAFF, Nancy Ann "1928-1991"
ENSER, Henry "1898-1982"
ENSER, Ruth "1911-1970" (one stone for Henry and Ruth)
ENSER, Lance M. "Aug. 19 - Sept. 5, 1979"
PEPLIN, Joseph R. "1914-1972" (Veteran)
PEPLIN, Helen C. "1914-2001" (one stone for Joseph and Helen)
O'MEARA, Betty L. "1940-1991 Wife"
O'MEARA, Jim P. "1937 - (blank) Husband" (one stone for Betty and Jim)
ODOJ, Hubert J. "1924-1996"
ODOJ, Cecilia B. "1930-(blank)" (one stone for Hubert and Cecilia)
Middle section (between the two driveways/access roads)
SCHNEIDER, Michael "1844-1928"
SCHNEIDER, Catherine "1844-1893" (above two stones in front of large Schneider monument)
BRAAS, Lucy "1874-1946"
BRAAS, Lizzie "1861-1884"
BRAAS, Mary "1869-1895"
BRAAS, Father (no dates or names)
BRAAS, Mother (no dates or names) (above five stones in front of large Braas monument)
FRUEH, William E. "1863-1884"
FRUEH, Louisa C. "1845-1886"
FRUEH, Edward "1839-1907" (above three stones in front of large Frueh monument)
DEMMERLEY, George "died 5 Dec. 1904, aged 35 years"
DEMMERLEY, Louisa "died 10 June 1918, aged 85 years, wife of John Demmerley"
DEMMERLEY, John "died 20 Jan. 1901 aged 74 years" (above three stones in front of large Demmerley monument)
WEIS, Joseph P. "1874-1888"
WEIS, Mother (no names or dates)
WEIS, Father (no names or dates) (above three stones are in front of large Weis monument)
WEIS, Nicholas P. "1840-1919"
WEIS, Mary C. "1843-1918 his wife (of Nicholas)" (above two are on the large Weis monument mentioned above)
GODLASKA, Marguerite "1911-1938"
DOLL, Charles F. "1846-1890 Father"
DOLL, Emma M. "1849-1894 Mother"
DOLL, Joseph W. "1874-1951 Son"
WOKERSEIN, Mary "1877-1959"
(above four stones are in front of large Doll monument, which bears the inscription
"May the souls of the faithful departed through the mercy of God rest in peace.")
MEYER, Anny "died Nov. 1915 aged 69 years"
DEMERLY, Nicholas "1847-1909"
DEMERLY, Amelia "1853-1919"
DEMERLY, George J. "1877-1919" (above three stones are in front of large Demerly monument)
STEFF, Joseph F. "born 1882? died 1883? son of E. and A. Steff" (stone worn and difficult to read)
To the left of the above STEFF stone is one unreadable except for the German inscription "Gest Den ? Oct. 1891"
STEINWANDEL, Pius "1813-1887"
VIALKOWITSCH, Agatha "1820-1901 his wife (of Pius Steinwandel)" (one stone for Pius and Agatha)
DEMERLY, Edna F. "1891-1978"
DEMERLY, John J. "1859-1912 Father"
DEMERLY, Flora G. "1866-1928 Mother"
DEMERLY, Frances G. "1908"
DEMERLY, William J. "1900"
DEMERLY, Ruth M. "1898-1900" (above six stones are behind large Demerly monument)
WEBER, Philip D. "1851-1920" (this may be Philip Weber, son of John and Anna Kohn Weber, who married Magdalena MICKA)
WEBER, Magdalena "1854-1930 his wife (of Philip) (one stone for Philip and Magdalena)
THILLEN, John P. "18 Jan. 1825-8 Sept. 1888"
THILLEN, Salome "1 Nov. 1831-3 Nov. 1917 his wife (of John)" (John and Salome inscribed on large Thillen monument)
THILLEN, John "1869-1957" (to the left of the large Thillen monument)
THILLEN, Frank "1874-1938" (to the right of the large Thillen monument)
WEBER, Mary "1839-1912"
WEBER, Joseph "1837-1906" (two small stones to the right of Mary's and Joseph's may say Mother and Father)
WEBER, Michael S. "1869-1911"
WEBER, Raymond A. "1905-1989"
WEBER, Hortense D. "1896-1985"
WEBER, Adelia D. "1871-1950" (above four stones in front of large Weber monument, the largest in the cemetery)
FRETZ, George A. "13 July 1907-17 Feb. 1909 our darling"
FRETZ, Milton W. "1870-1935 husband peace be yours"
Two stones behind the large DEMMERLY monument, names on top of stones are unreadable, dates are as follows:
"20 Jan. 1829-18 Oct. 1895"
"1863? - 31 Jan. 1894"
COSLINE, Mary V. "1846-1910"
COSLINE, M.V. "1825-1905 Mother"
COSLINE, P.J. "1821-1894 Father" (above three stones are in front of large Cosline monument)
POMARZYNSKI - a large monument on which the writing looks hand-carved. The front is largely unreadable.
On the side of the monument - Josephine "died 1925 wife"
- Joseph "died 26 Oct. 1945 son"
On the back of the monument - Peter "born 1845? died 1901? R.I.P."
small, flat stones in front of it: Joseph POMARZYNSKI "1874-1946"
Josephine POMARZYNSKI "died April 12, 1925 wife of Peter"
Piotr POMARZYNSKI (no dates)
HAAB, Jacob "1837-1913"
HAAB, Frances "1853-1942 his wife (of Jacob)"
HAAB, Julius J. "1885-1911"
(small, flat stones in front of large triple stone for each of above three, with just first names)
HAAB, Isabelle "two years?"
HAAB, William J. "died 188?, aged 4? years"
(small double stone for Isabelle and William, to the left of the triple Haab stone, inscribed "children of Jacob and Frances Haab")
JURELLER, Anna "1895-1918"
JURELLER, Michael "1864-1909"
SELZLER, Mary L. "1868-1936"
JURELLER, Christina M. "1905-1936" (separate stones for each of above four, very close behind triple HAAB monument)
FOX, Joseph "1876-1905"
FOX, Ferdinand "1840-1905 Father"
FOX, Louise "1850-1919 Mother"
(above three in front of large Fox monument)
HILL, Emma L. "1880-1969 Beloved"
WURTZ, Father (rest unreadable)
WURTZ, Mother (rest unreadable)
WURTZ, Anthony "1868-1922"
NEHR, J.J. (small flat stone, sunken)
WEBER, Frank X. "1897-1933, 383d Tank Corps American Legion"
WEBER, Frances "1895-1904"
WEBER, Arthur "1892-1910"
WEBER, Henrietta "1893-1913"
WEBER, Magdalen "1863-1944"
WEBER, Frank "1860-1947"
(above five stones in front of large Weber monument; following stone next to it)
WEBER, Mary A. "1889-1965"
A Weber monument, badly worn, writing nearly flat, unreadable
LAMM, George (no dates)
LAMM Christina "1846-1925"
LAMM, Eva "1854-1885" (one stone for above three; small, flat stones for each in front)
LAMM, Eva "11 Aug. 1854-25 July 1885, Mother" (to the left of the triple Lamm monument)
WEBER, Stephen "14 April 1814-18 April 1889"
WEBER, Barbara "14 June 1811-19 Sept. 1892" (one stone for Stephen and Barbara)
PRACZKAJLO, Jeffrey A. "16 Apr. 1955-20 Apr. 2000 Husband and Dad"
KUMMER, Bertha "died 15 Aug. 1884, aged 4 months, 7 days"
KUMMER, Clarence "1890-1924 Motor Truck Co 469 American Legion"
KUMMER, Fred C. "1857-1932"
KUMMER, Mary M. "1860-1947" (one stone for Fred and Mary)
KUMMER, Esther M. "1897-1988"
GASPER, Anthony "1839-1904"
GASPER, Elizabeth "1845-1940"
GASPER, Ludwina M. "1879-1900
GASPER, Joseph A. "1887-1902" (above four are on large single monument)
GASPER, Anton? "Gest 1886? son of Anton and Elies. Gasper"
(to the right of the large Gasper monument mentioned above, stone is very badly worn)
GASPER, Clarence A. "1892-1893"
GASPER, Eda Mae "1894-1895"
GASPER, Isabelle M. "1905-1907"
(above three are on large monument to the "J. W. Gasper Family", in front are monuments with first names and dates for
Eda Mae, Isabelle, Clarence, and also Margaret M. 1864-1940)
GASPER, Eda May (sic) "died 10 Feb. 1895, aged 9 months and 13 days daughter of John and Mary Gasper"
GASPER, Clarence "died 30 May 1893 aged 8 months and 13 days son of John and Mary Gasper"
(above two stones are to the left of the large J.W. Gasper Family monument)
(John Gasper, son of Anothy and Mary Pfarner Gasper; Mary George his wife daughter of Joseph and May WATERS GEORGE)
SCHMITT, Mathias "1825-1894"
SCHMITT, Sophia "1836-1900" (one stone for Mathias and Sophia)
BENKER, Frank "1872-1936"
BENKER, Catherine "1872-1934"
BENKER, Paul P. "1898-1937"
BENKER, Clara "1907-1908" (one stone for above four)
BENKER, Clara "died 3 Jan. 1908" (small, flat stone to the right of the above mentioned monument)
KUJANECK, John "1867-1920"
KUJANECK, Lena "1871-1922 his wife (of John)"
KUJANECK, John "SP 26 Dec. 1844-3 Jan. 1913"
CLASEN, Susan "15 Feb. 1813-17 Apr. 1888"
CLASEN, Michael " ? Jan. 1811-8 July 1892" (one stone for Susan and Michael)
KUJANECK, Julia "8 Apr. 1844-26 Jan. 1919 his wife (of John)" (one stone for John and Julia)
HAYDEN, Gale A. Moquin "1943-1963"
GASCHE, Enos "died 23 April 1802 or 1902" (rest of inscription unreadable)
SCHWAB, Ben "died 5 June 189?"
SCHWAB, Mary "died Apr. 1892? aged 48 years"
(one stone for Ben and Mary, very worn)
VOLLMON, Ernst "born 31 May 1822, died 11? Oct. 1890, Co. D., 74 NY Vol.?" (rest unreadable, badly worn)
REYNOLDS, Frances D. "died 26 June 1893, aged 3 years, daughter of Thomas? and Emma Reynolds" (badly worn)
REYNOLDS, Gertrude "died 20 April 1888, aged 1 year, 5 months, and 14 days, daughter of T.L. and E.M. Reynolds"
MIESKA, Martin "6 Jan. 1816-25 Feb. 1888"
GEORGE, Albert J. "died 10 March 1891, aged 17 days our darling"
GEORGE, E. "died 4 Aug. 1896?, aged 1 year, 11 months? daughter of Louis? and Mary? George"
(small, worn stone, first name starts with E., rest unreadable)
CORBETT, Marie Berenice "16 Apr. 1903-8 Apr. 1906"
A Broken Stone, all that remains is "Rest in Peace"
ROBERT, Rosalia "Gest Den 23 Oct. 1886, 76 yahren, 12 tagen, (wife?) of Jacob Robert"
ROBERT, Jacob "Gest Den 30 Sept. 1880, 76 yahren?" (rest unreadable)
ROBERT, Rosina, wife of Jacob, 1800-1877 (last name looks like it starts with F)
A Broken Stone, all that remains is "died 31 May 1886, aged 82 years"
WEBER, Frederick "died 26 Feb. 1877, aged 34 years, 4 months, 15 days"
WEBER, George "died 27 Oct. 1871, aged 27 years"
WEBER, Samuel "died 17 June 1884, aged 52 years"
WEBER, Magdalen "died 13 April 1875, aged 45 years"
LAMM, Rose E. "1876-1913"
LAMM, Edward A. "1874-1956" (Veteran sticker on stone)
LAMM, Bernice R. "1908-1928"
HANLEY, Agnes "1899-1979"
HUND, Albert "1897-1949" (Veteran sticker on stone)
HUND, Maynard (small, flat metal marker, numbers are missing from the dates)
HUND, Charles "1871-1944"
HUND, Mary "1874-1937" (one stone for Charles and Mary)
KUHANECK, Michael J. "1912-1976 Father"
KUHANECK, Marion T. "1921-(blank) Mother" (one stone for Michael and Marion)
KUHANECK, Ralph A. "1941-1944 Our Son"
ZANE, Clarence J. "1927-(blank)" (Clarence has passed away; I think it was in 2001)
ZANE, Jean M. "1933-1997" (wife of Clarence; one stone for both)
GODLASKA, Isabel A. "1907-1977"
GODLASKA, Steve "1873-1940"
GODLASKA, Barbara Weis "1884-1959" (one stone for Steve and Barbara)
GODLEY, Nicholas R. "1902-1989"
GODLEY, Felicia M. "1910-1988" (one stone for Nicholas and Felicia)
GRABOWSKI, Robert S. "1947-1949 Our Son"
GRABOWSKI, Florence V. "1921-1960 Mother"
GRABOWSKI, Stanley R. "1917-(blank) Father"
(one stone for above 3; also a separate stone to the side for Robert S. Grabowski, Our Son, 1947-1949)
NOWAK, John "1885-1968"
NOWAK, Mary "1889-1966" (one stone for John and Mary)
NOWAK, Florence "1914-1915"
(stone does not appear to be broken, but it has been laid in a large urn to the left of the stone for John and Mary)
SIKORA, Frank, 1893-1959
SIKORA, Victoria "1892-1981" (one stone for Frank and Victoria)
GASPER, Edwin B. "4 May 1907-9 March 1970 New York PFC Co C 605 TD BN WWII"
GASPER, Raymond T. "11 July 1905 - 20 May 1971 New York SGT 119 Base Unit AAF WWII"
GASPER, Violet "1906-1974 wife of Raymond"
GASPER, Victoria "1873-1914"
GASPER, George M. "1871-1949"
GASPER, Marie "1889-1962"
PALCZEWSKI, Larry Norman "11 March 1954-15 May 1999 Beloved Companion"
(Veteran Sticker on stone; stone is inscribed with a picture of a compass - the kind that makes a circle, not the directional kind)

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Unless otherwise noted all listings are tombstone readings, and the information has not been provided by any official cemetery source.
It is offered here as a tool to promote further research, and should not be considered as verified proof for genealogical records.
This information is to be used as a reference, please check with the source for conformation.
Readings have been doubled checked, but mistakes are possible.

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published with out permission from the author , Tara Lowry Pfarner

 Erie County, New York Cemeteries - Past and Present
Created & Maintained by Katherine M. [Speich] Kopp