Unless otherwise noted all listings are tombstone readings, and the information has not been provided by any official cemetery source.
It is offered here as a tool to promote further research, and should not be considered as verified proof for genealogical records.
This information is to be used as a reference, please check with the source for conformation.
Readings have been doubled checked, but mistakes are possible.

 Chestnut Ridge RoadCemetery
Chestnut Ridge Road
Town of Orchard Park,
Erie County, New York 14127


Obed, died July 28, 1843, son of David and Patience.
Patience Jane [ Mrs. David ], Died July 16, 1843, age 28 yrs 3 mos 26 das.
Agnes{ Mrs. Henry ], b. Nov. 4, 1835 - d. June 29, 1928
Henry , b. Sept. 16, 1825 - Mar 9, 1908.
Charles, son of Henry & Agnes, b. Jan 22, 1868 - d. Feb 23, 1870
Jacob, b. Sept 1, 1861 - d. Feb 23, 1870
Wilhilm, b. Jan . 1866 - d. Feb 22, 1870
Thomas , d. April. 12, 1842, a/e 52 yrs. 1 mo
Catharine, [ Mrs. Jacob ], d. April 1, 1888, age 55 yrs. 1 mo 24 das.
Jacob , [ G.A.R. Post 440 ], d. Feb. 26, 1893, age 67 yrs 9 mos 27 das
John R., d. Nov. 22, 1863, age 61 yrs. 9 mos.
Alpa, [ Mrs. Mory P. ], d. Mar. 22, 1855
Aurilla B, Daughter, 1846 ? age 12 yrs. 9 mos. 6 das.
Edwin R., 1832 - 1902
Polly A., 1829 - 1890
Mory O., 1795 - 1875
William Wallace, d. Nov. 12, 1843, age 16 yrs. 3 mos. 1 da, son of Mory P. & Alpa.
Bertha , 1908 - 1909
Ruth , 1892 - 1908
Ella Gwin, d. July 28, 1933
Elizabeth, d. May or Mar. 28, 1866, Born Dec. 28, 1804 [ in German ]
Frederich ? , died Dec. 9, 1882
Merritt ?
Delana , Wife
Helen W., 1827 - 1896
Henrietta, d. Feb. 8, 1862, age 71 yrs. 3 mos, [ Mrs. Obed - Capt ]
Jane, [ Mrs. Thomas ], d. Nov 8, 1879, age 76 yrs. 3 mos
Jerome B. b. May 23, 1821 - d. Oct. 15, 1877
Mary, his sister, b. Apr 6, 1812 - d. Sept 2, 1833, Erected by her sister Clarinda
Capt. Obed, b. Nov 13, 1789 - d. Sept. 22, 1863, age 73 yrs. 11 mos. 6 das
Obed T { Tidd], 1846 - 1846, Funeral Sept. 16, 1846, Our son [ Jerome B. & Helen W.] 10 weeks
Thomas, d. Sept 21, 1871, age 82 yrs. 11 mos
Abigail , [ Mrs. Isaac ] d. Aug. 13, 1854, age 73 yrs. 10 mos. 7 das
Angeline Leeds, [ Mrs. David ], b. June 25, 1811 - d. May 17, 1882
David, B. June 11, 1807 - d. June 8, 1874
Georgianna, d. Oct. 20 , 1867, age 9 yrs. 11 mos. 10 das., dau. of Henry and Hannah M.
Isaac, husband of Abigail, d. Oct. 17, 1857 age 74 yrs. 4 mos. 27 das
Isaac, d. July 7, 1877, age 36 yrs. 9 mos. 17 das
Nellie, died Aug. 21, 1885, dau. of Oliver and Juliaette.
Timothy, died July 5, 1845, age 3 yrs, son of David And Ageline.
Carrie, Mother. 1868 - 1949
Charles, died June 17, 1899
Charlotte, Our Mother, d. Sept. 24, 1885, age 56 yrs. 10 das.
Frank, Veteran, 1892 - 1921
Helene, d. Jan 18, 1883, age 26 yrs. 3 mos. 8 das.
John, Baby, no date - 8 days
Mary, d. May 27, 1870, age 18 yrs. 2 mos. 22 das.
William K., d. Dec 13, 1903, age 81 yrs.
Elsie Woelfle, 1890 - 1943
Ida ? Ophelia, d. Feb 1, 1861, dau of Milo and Sarah E.
Milo, died Feb. 1, 1861
Sarah E., [ Mrs. Milo ], d. April 14, 1862, age 26 yrs.
Aaron, d. Jan. 28, 1858, age 60 yrs. 9 mos. 19 das.
Bethia, died July 10, 1876
Fanny A., [ Mrs. Eli ], d. Dec.24, 1856, age 23 yrs. 5 mos. 23 das
Hiram, died July 10, 1876
Laura, { Mrs. Aaron], d. Dec 5, 1836, age 39 yrs. 1 da.
Loadawick, d. Oct. 11, 1838, age 64 yrs. 2 mos. 16 das.
[ Mt. broken ] died Sept. 30, 1834, age 25 yrs. 3 mos. 23 das.
Mary, 1811 - 1871
Fanny Hannah, d. Mar. 18, 1873, age 43 yrs. 8 mos.6 das.,dau. of George N. and Hannah
George N., Late of London, England where he was born Feb. 17, 1790,
and died after a long residence in this country, March 3, 1853 in the 63 year of age.
Sophia, died Apr. 16, 1865
{ Mrs George U. ],
Augusta, [ Mrs. James ] d. Apr. 23, 1882, age 23 yrs. 9 mos. 25 das
Isaac H., Civil War G.A.R. Post 440, died Apr. 5, 1866, age 21 yrs. 3 mos. 9 das.
Bethiah, [ Mrs David ] d. Mar. 12, 1839, age 89 yrs.
Jacob , Veteran
Eliza, dau. of Jacob
Esther B., d. Aug. 13, 1831 or 37, age 22 yrs. 11 mos. 13 das., dau. of Daniel and Caroline
4 Stones 37, 1941 , 68 and 72.
Ashley, d. Apr. 30, 1883, age 79 yrs. 23 das.
Polly, d. July 25, 1879, age 72 yrs. 10 mos. 9 das.
Ann, Frankie A, John - Children of Ashley And Polly.
Alexander, d. Aug. 5, 1861, age 72 yrs. 8 mos
Betsey, [ Mrs Alexander ] d. Oct. 31, 1862, age 70 yrs. 28 das.
Elizabeth, [ Mrs. Matthew ] 1835 - 1909
Matthew, d. July 16, 1887 [ broken stone ? ]
Andrew, Father 1859 - 1937
Amelia, 1888 - 1957
Carrie, b. Oct 14, 1860 - d. July 10, 1878

Chestnut Ridge Road Cemetery
Burials :
Caretaker :
Condition of cemetery :
Contact Person :
Date information complied : June 14, 1973
Known by other names :
Location : S8368 Chestnut Ridge Rd., Between Gartman and Wards Road,
on the west side of Chestnut Ridge Road.
Town of Orchard Park, Erie County, New York 14127
Location of cemetery records :
Source of Information : Tombstone Readings ~
Year Established : Tombstone dates between 1833 - 1957
History :


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©1999 Leo J. & Katherine M. Kopp All rights reserved. 

March, 1999