Updated: 23 September 1999

Unless otherwise noted all listings are tombstone readings, and the information has not been provided by any official cemetery source.
It is offered here as a tool to promote further research, and should not be considered as verified proof for genealogical records.
This information is to be used as a reference, please check with the source for conformation.
Readings have been doubled checked, but mistakes are possible.

 Lower Ebenezer Graveyard

the Ebenezer Society
745 Main Street at Mill Road
(Southside of Main Street east of Union Road,
east of Mill Street, Ebenzer
Town of West Seneca, Erie County, New York

Est. 1845 - 1967

(Deserted - maintanced by the Town Of West Seneca) 

____, Born ? 1803, Died June 15, 1866, Aged 61 yrs 10 mos, '_____ broke in heart, assured now relief,
from toil and pain, enjoy and be called (?)' [Top half of stone missing]
Only the name Arthur, and 'He loved them on earth, May he meet them in heaven'
Gottlieb, Died August 30, 1880, 37 yrs.
Conrad, Died July 24, 1873, Aged 54 yrs 4 mo 5 days
Mary, Died April 9, 1890, Aged 65 year 10 mo 21 days 'Wife of Conrad'
Dorothea A., Born Scharlock, January 15, 1836, Died April 12, 1907
Johanna, Born Aug 26, 1861, Died November 1, 1876 'Here Rests In Peace' 'God will see that you will not be despoiled, But will have and enjoy your inheritance'
Louisa, Born April 9, 1868, Died June 20, 1891, Old 23 yrs 2 mo 11 days 'Daughter of Fredrich and Dorothea''Be well in your crypt, Until Jesus calls again'
Catherine, Born March 18, 1818, Died March 24, 1888
[Illegible], Born January 9, Soon Died August 1872,
[Illegible], Born and Died February 1, 1873 '[Not readable, ends 'children from Scherlach'
Henriette, Died November 13, 1892, Aged 78 yrs 10 mos. [Three base stones without names, on this site]
John, Died April 8, 1887, Age 75 years
Friedrich, Died Dec 27, 1866 Aged 63 years 9 mo 22 days
Johann, Born in Margow, August 15, 1800, Died December 15, 1877 'Here Rests In Peace'
Maria, Born 1800, Died 1881 'Here Rests Maria Buchgier' [Broken]
Anna L., Born Miller, Died June 1, 1882, Age 50 years 5 mo 3 days 'O rest gently the pilgrim's journey weary, Drying leads to blessedness,
Your life's friend pure joy of soul,
Took you smiling to happy eternity'
Katharina, eine geborene Miller, gest den 26 Oct 1876, 65 yr 28 tate"The hard suffering of your life, Over there is made sweet for you, Now you live in heaven's joy, While our tears are flowing"
Christian F., Born August 26, 1814, 'Born Leins, Died January 23, 1814
------,'Husband of Christina Elisabeth' 'Here Rests In Peace'
Walter, No Dates.'Son of Charles and Charlene'
Johann, Died February 3, 1871, Age 2 months, one day' 'Son of Wilhelm & Anna M. Fischer' 'Here rests In Peace'
John F., Died November 2, 1873, Aged 43 yrs 'Father'
Johann A., Born Jan 5, 1808, Died Sept 27, 1868, "In toll and trouble, In Life Weakened, God Will Bring You Better"
William E., Born January 20, 1867, Died January 1, 1891
'My Dearest Brother' 'Son of William D. and May' 'Here Rests In Peace'
Jacob, Born September 25, 1861, Died April 22, 1906
Louise, Born July 24. 1862, Died January 12, 1908
George, Died January 20, 1893, Aged 54 years 5 mos and 26 days 'Rest well in your crypt, Until Jesus calls you again,'
Leo Christian, Born August 17, 188?
Louisa, [No Dates]
Sophia, Born Fritz, Died Feb 7, 1869, Aged 66 yrs
Robert, [No Information]
Joann J., Died July 31, 1871, At age 62 years 5 mo 21 days
'Long and much have you suffered, departed from your wife, rest now in your crypt,
until the meadow grow greener'
Frederike, Died January 25, 1872, Aged 79 yrs and 10 mo 'Wife of Johann' ' Here Rests Frederike'
Alwin and Luca, 'Here Rest Our Dear Children' Died 1874
Johanna Phillipine, Born in Valbr. Grandducky Bavaria, Demmiladt in the year 1821, Died June 27, 1876 'Separation __'
Carl, Born August 12, 1862, Died August 23, 1874 'Mercy and truth to his own, He is to them son and shield, He who feels the hidden crier,
and the trust of his own' 'Gone Home'
Gertrude, Born Rüffer, Born 26 Feb 1819, Died 8 March 1899, Old 80 yrs and 10 days 'Wife of Jacob' 'Here Rest In Peace'
Jacob, 1822 - 1918
Maria, Born October 10, 1852, Died 1872, Old 20 years, 5 months, '___ Travel over there, we stay in the grave to cry, Although hearts are separate,
God will unite us, In this belief we turn to Him'
[Illegible], [Illegible], Died February 4, 1876
Anna, (Born) Switzerland, Died July 21, 1861, Aged 61 yrs 8 mo
Dorothea, tochter von Valentine and Margaret , geb 7 January 1847; gest 24 April 1863; alt 16 juhr 3 mo 17 tate
Margaretha, 1819 - 1904
Valentine, Born January 7, ?, Died April 24, 186?, Aged 16 yrs 3 mo, [Epitaph Illegible]. [Stone cracked]
Margaretha, 1819 - 1904
Henry, Born June 11, 1817, Died September 14, 1883
Johanna N., Lüdders, chefrau von Friederich Krüger, geb 17 November 1806
Katharina, Born June 8, 1815, died January 26, 1885, ' Wife of John ''Old 69 years 7 mos 18 days 'Farewell and Until We Meet Again'
Edward, Born Sept 3, 1869, Died September 7, 1872 'Son of Flack & Karolina'
Johann G., Died may 24, 1883, Age 73 years 3 mo 23 days 'The grave frightens not the pious, Who hopes in God and fears no judgment'
Henry, Born 1826, Died 1887
Henry, Born May 26, 1865, Died March, 29, 1902
Mary K., Born Aug 29, 1860, April 14, 1883, '____, There is my life. And dying is my life,____ Goes over there'
Date Correction:
"I visited the Lower Ebenezer Cemetery in July of this year searching for the headstone
of my greatgrandmother's sister. I found it leaning against another headstone. It was intact however covered with lichens making it difficult to read.
I cleaned it up and did a rubbing.
Mary was the daughter of John and Sophia (Evers) Kneiser who are buried at Mt. Hope."
Ann Allison Des Moines, IA
Anna, Mrs., Died ??
Frederick, Born September 19, 1816, Died June 30, 1884
Friedrich Johanna, Born October 20, 1814, In Bino Mecklenburg Strelitz, Died February 6, 1878 'Here Rests In Peace'
Corinna ?, Born August 28, 1836 at Hof EulengangJohnnie, Born March 12, 1882, Died August 10, 1885
Hans Gehnhausen, Born April 21, 1886 In West Seneca, Old 19 years 11 mo 23 days 'Departing from my heart [Illegible] love, When strength has me [Illegible].'
Karoline, Born April 4, 1840, died June 30, 1892 'Wife of Fritz Leisten' 'Do not hold back the Lord, In his mercy for my grief rest unreadable'
Maria, Born November 20, 1874, Died May 22, 1885 'Daughter of Fritz and Carolina Leisten' 'Sleep softly and with love, Child taken by the angels, To see the face of God, Who will not slumber'
Minnie, Born October 15, 1884, Died December 2, 1884
Our Bertha Lempner, Born January 11, 1877, Died November 11, 1883. At the grandparents in their home'
Johanna A., Born Nov 17, 1806, In Bavaria Archduchial Domain of Schwerin, Died June 22, 1875
'Wife of Friedrich'
Fanny, Died December 23, 1889, Aged 13 months 10 days
Johann, d. April 18, 1872, Aged 53 years "Having fully become dust, Slumber then in the, mold and gentle grave"
Gottleib, Died July 10, 1870, Aged 32 yrs 3 mo
Christoph Pralow, Born Stuer, February 10, 1819, Died August 4, 1877
'Here Rests In Peace' 'You have departed from this world, And from your earthly burden,Your body rests now in peace, Your spirit dwells in eternity, Up there in heaven's trustful care, We will see each other again'
Louise, Born in Petersdorf, Mecklenburg, Schweringen January 30, 1822, Died June 9, 1882
[Illegible], Born May 1859, Died May 1, 1883
John F., Died October 11, 1894, Old 64 years 1 mo 15 days 'It can be different before evening, Than it was in early morm'
Emma, Born April 23, 1863; Died October 27, 1873, Aged 10 years 6 mo 41 days (?) [Broken]
Elizabeth, Born May 3, 1818; Died May 11, 1866, "Wife of John", "Gone to Rest"
Friedrich, MD, Born July 20, 1795, At Phillippsburg (Grandduchy) of Baden, Died December 28, 1870
Maria M., Duchy of Baden, Born June 17, 18??, Died April 2, 18?? 'Here Rests In Peace'
John J., Born September 27, 1879, Died July 2, 1880
'The mother asks, where has my son gone, When she cries and is grieving, Say that I am in heaven'
The listing for the Ebenezer Pioneer Cemetery contains a "Seiben(r)pinner",
which is probably Seidenspinner from the German Seide=silk and spinner=spinner.
The extra n is a common separator used to help pronunciation.
I recently encountered a more modern tombstone with the Seidenspinner name on it,
in the Mt Hope Cemetery on Union Road between Center and the 400.
I was in Mt. Hope looking for tombstones for the East Seneca Langendorfers,
Lambeins, and Korthals to whom I am related.
Neal Jordan vnj2nfj@pdq.net
Carl, S., Born Feb 6, 1835; Died October 9, 1872 "Peace of his ashes"
John PH., Born May 30, 1880, Died June 1, 1880 'Infant son of Martin and Catherine', 'Blessed are they, That die children'
Maria, Born January 10, 1879, Died December 1883 'Daughter of M. And C. Spinherrn' 'Jesus, suffer little children to come unto me.'
Friedrich, Born February 10, 1820, Died 1882, 61 years 5 mo ? days
Friedrich Wm., Died September 24, 1888, Old 16 years 3 mo 18 days 'from the ____'
____, [Illegible] [Only name on base]
Charles II, Died November 21, 1883 Aged 11 yrs 2 mo 16 days 'Gone before but not forgotten'
Julia, Born November 13, 1838, Died May 8, 1878 'Wife of Frank J. Wahl'
Ludwieh, Born 28th ?, 18??, Died April 15, 1876 (?) [Broken in to three pieces.]
Carolina Brandt, 1822 - 1866
Carolina Dethoff, 1840 - 1873
Ernstine Emma, 1825 - 1911
John, 1825 - No Dates
George, 'Son of Fredrick and Philippina', Died April 27, 1883 [Broken into three pieces near the year of death]
____, Eddie, [Illegible], 'Our buds of promise plucked, From earth to bloom in heaven'
____, Helen, "Daughter',
Broken stone.
Illegible, Born Dethloff, Married January 7, 1866, Died May 5, 1872, At age of 33 years ? mo 25 days
Illegible, Broken in half 'that you may be in health again' .
Illegible, Broken in to four pieces.
Illegible, Broken stone 'Died 1876'
Illegible, Cracked in two, 'Born October 3, 1854, Died November 20, 1872, Age [Illegible].
Illegible, Grand Duchy Baden, Died January 13, 1879
Illegible, Small stone.
Illegible, Small stone.
Illegible, Small stone, Broken & cracked.
Illegible, Small stone, 'My Husband'.
Illegible, Top half missing, 'Age 13 years, 18 days'.
Illegible, Top half missing, 'God wants to take me, [Illegible] in God's place'[Illegible, Top half missing.'

SOURCE :Aurora Historical Society
East Aurora, Erie County, New York,
W.C. Biddlecom, Aug 26, 1985
and personal visits 7/99

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